May 2, 2007


I am pleased to announce that the South Florida Water Management District has immediate funding available to conduct water quality improvement projects for the Caloosahatchee River and Estuary.  Funds are available to local governmental entities located within the Caloosahatchee watershed to initiate feasibility, design, permitting or construction phases of projects.  Local matching funds are not required, but emphasis will be given to those that do offer a match. Multiple funding requests may be submitted from one entity.


In order to qualify for funding, a project must meet all of the following criteria:

    (1)    Project objective must be directed towards the enhancement of the water quality   of  a water body located within the Caloosahatchee River watershed;

    (2)    Project phase must be completed by September 30, 2007; and

    (3)    Project does not serve to implement permit required mitigation.


Local government entities seeking funding should provide a detailed narrative describing the proposed project, schedule, and cost estimates.  The description should describe the current condition of the water body, identify the pollution reduction that is expected to be achieved, and any future phase that may be required to complete the project. 


Funding requests will be evaluated based primarily upon the information provided. Emphasis will be given to those projects that:

            * Demonstrate anticipated pollutant reduction;

            * Benefit a water body on DEP’s Impaired Waters list;

            * Provide local matching funds;

            * Provide multiple uses such as water quality, habitat restoration, recreation, etc.;

            * Are ready to proceed; and

            * Prior project phase was previously funded by District.


Water quality monitoring and land acquisition will not be considered for funding.  Monitoring and data collection activities that are necessary as part of the current or future phases of the proposed project will be considered.


Given the short timeframe for the expenditure of funds, local governmental entities are encouraged to consider pursuing previously identified projects (such as unfunded CBIR’s) or to initiate feasibility level studies.  It is anticipated that funding to conduct future project phases, as well as additional projects, will be available in subsequent fiscal years, beginning October 1, 2007.


Funding requests must be received by no later than May 18, 2007.  Requests are encouraged to be submitted electronically to this address, or mailed to:

                        South Florida Water Management District,

                        2301 McGregor Blvd.

                        Ft. Myers, FL 33901

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or Ms. Rhonda Haag at 338-2929 ext. 7768 and 338-2929 ext. 7758, respectively.


Phil Flood

Director Lower West Coast

South Florida Water Management District