What can be done?

Contact your representatives and tell them you want the problem solved.

Support actions on the following:

Reduce the wet season releases from Lake Okeechobee to the Caloosahatchee River.

Lake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule: Lake Okeechobee regulation schedule is being reexamined for improvements. There are strong interests that want this very large body to contain as much water as can be placed in it to cushion against any threat of drought. This approach has led to the Lake littoral dying from being submerged, water quality worsening, and excessive discharges to the River, when nature gives more water than the lake can contain – approximately 2 years out of 5, and increasing since the Lake is now being managed to have a smaller range of elevations than was natural  (2 feet instead of 6).

Support the establishment of stormwater utilities.

Stormwater Utility Funding: Local pollution agencies have developed a program of water quality remediation. Currently, funding is on a case by case basis, since the local governments generally do not have dedicated sources of funding. This year, the most populous of these, Lee County, will decide whether to dedicate a standing source of funding for stormwater  quality improvements.

Immediate creation and enforcement of stronger water quality standards.

Improved Standards: Best Management Practices for urban design have failed for water quality. New standards are being proposed and going through hearings. These hearings are being sponsored by the Development Industry. There are also some startling exceptions to these standards. Passage of the standards and the degree of loopholes are decisions that get made this year.

Build proper water storage and treatment systems.

Design of C-43 Reservoir: It will be decided whether or not the reservoir will have a proactive water quality component with pollution load reduction targets. The C-43 Reservoir is part of the Everglades Restoration Project, which has been” ín the works” for ten years. Implementation of this project, notably the C-43 Reservoir, has been slower than other Everglades projects. The construction of the reservoir has not even begun and estimate projections of the completed reservoir are 2010.