We will have a very full agenda for the September 6, 2007 WRAC meeting in Naples, FL.  I have included links to three items that will be on the agenda and that you will be asked to comment on.  The agenda and backup information will be posted to the WRAC website on August 28, but this message is intended to provide you more time on these three items.

  1. The SFWMD Recreation Management and Partnership Plan:
    1. Please visit http://www.sfwmd.gov
    2. From the main page, left menu, select “Recreation Info and Education”.
    3. From the middle menu, select “Recreation (more)”.
    4. From the right menu, select the Plan in “Recreation Vital News”, and follow the other links to the text.

The Recreation Management and Partnership Plan was presented to the WRAC Recreation Issues Workshop in April, June, and August 13, and many comments from the participants will have been incorporated into a new draft of the plan by this Friday, August 24.  We will ask for WRAC comments and approval of the plan pending consensus recommendations from the WRAC.  If consensus is elusive, we can revisit the issues again in October.  The Division of Land Stewardship expects to present the plan to the SFWMD Governing Board for approval in October, 2007.

  1. The South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force Strategic Plan Goals and Strategies document will be presented to WRAC for comment.  The document is available at http://www.sfrestore.org/wg/wgminutes/2007meetings/19,20july2007/SPBR9082006draft.pdf
  1. The Revised Final Draft Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) Guidance Memoranda:
    1. Please visit: http://www.evergladesplan.org/pm/progr_regs_guidance_memoranda.aspx
    2. I have attached a list of frequently asked questions about the guidance memoranda.


·         Please contact Sandra Gomez if you have not already done so about your plans to participate in the field trip to Rookery Bay and for lodging requirements at the hotel.

·         Please contact me at (561)682-6517 if you have questions or need assistance with any WRAC related matters.

·         We plan to have a 45 minute lunch break in Naples at the meeting site.

·         We will send out directions and a Field Trip itinerary next week.

Thanks for your time.

Rick Smith

SFWMD WRAC Facilitator